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About Us

The Write Size project is headed by a dedicated parent, who happens to also be an accomplished educationalist and cognitive neuroscientist. Like many parents he faced the challenge of helping his own children write legibly. Frustrated with the plethora of handwriting books that promised more than they delivered, and didn't seem to follow a logical and evidence-based design, he decided to create his own.


Guided by rigorous research and development, the Write Size series is a collection of products rooted in evidence-based design, employing approaches supporting letter formation and alignment, while employing validated attentional control strategies such as multimodal learning.


We sincerely wish you success in helping your child achieve legible writing.  Parenting is a serious and worthy endeavor, and we believe that the Write Size series is a valuable resource for your journey. Thank you for investing in your child's future!


Write Size Books

Our Approach


Our products are meticulously crafted and based on extensive research into the development of precise handwriting. We strive to address common challenges faced in learning handwriting, such as distorted alignment, improper spacing, and missing or added strokes.


Innovation at the Core


We pride ourselves on innovation, with our grid system and other cutting-edge solutions designed to ensure that learners overcome hurdles on their path to mastering handwriting.


The Multimodal Advantage


To enhance the learning experience, we employ a multimodal approach. Learners are encouraged to repeat a letter-formation mantra with each pen or pencil stroke, making the process both engaging and effective.


Mantras encourage appropriate letter formation. This is critical as it establishes the template for the later development of cursive (joined-up) writing.



Where can I buy them?


Write Size books can be purchased on Amazon at these links at or


For purchase worldwide, the US site usually has cheaper shipping

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Current books: Write Size - The Small Letter Alphabet

                         STANDARD  &   EXPANDED

                         + Limited Edition Essential Version


In development: Write Size - Capitals in Context

                          Write Size - Numbers

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Standard version
75 pages

Expanded version
150+ pages

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Our Philosophy


Our Products

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The Write Size series is our first offering. Many learners struggle with creating uniform letters and maintaining even spaces between them. To address this issue, a unique format has been created, designed to provide a way to help to align letter formation and encourage consistent sizing of letters, while simultaneously minimizing cognitive load


Moreover, a multimodality approach is utilized with use of letter-formation mantras*, whereby sensory alignment on a specific task is facilitated. This active focus of multiple senses on a task is designed to produce a state of flow.

*Mantra recordings can be purchased below in the store




But it doesn't stop there. The series also provides you with a learning schedule for your child, incorporating principles such as the spacing effect and repeated practice. You can find these schedules within the pages of the Write Size books.


In respect to neurodiversity, although our fairly limited studies require more data, our Write Size series has been designed to optimize learning for children with ADD/ADHD. 

The letter a

Our Mission

At Write Education, our mission is clear. To create innovative products which assist early learning efficiently, with a basis in learning theory and research data, We are also wholly dedicated to supporting neurodiversity and providing ways to help children with differing needs.


Evidence-based Strategies

In seeking to achieve the highest standards, at Write Education, we operate an evidence-based model for product development. This begins with each design being underpinned by evidence in the research literature on how we and our children learn, followed by extensive testing. 

We also strongly believe in the glorious Japanese philosophy of "kaizen" in working towards continuous improvement of our products.


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You will receive monthly insights on how evidence on how we learn can have a real impact in our children's education. We will also keep you informed of product updates 
We may also feature advertisements for selected external products that we highly recommend

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As part of our commitment to continually improve our products, we would greatly appreciate your feedback on your experience with the Write Size series for both you and your child. What aspects worked effectively? What didn't work as expected? We understand that each learner has unique needs, and our goal is to serve our customers to the best of our abilities.

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©2023 Write Education

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